
Conferences that transform

High-level experience available to companies

Aurélie Lamy shares with companies over 10 years of experience at the highest level of French and international sport. During her conferences for employees and managers of major groups, she translates her method of brain decoding to help individuals and teams meet the challenges facing companies today.

Her talks reflect her understanding as a business leader and bring a unique vision that blends the DNA and values of sport with the challenges facing companies, such as constant change, managing resources and energies, motivation, and individual and collective demands.

The talks are not limited to the simple transmission of information; they aim to offer each participant concrete tools that will have a direct and transformative impact on their professional and personal lives.

Dynamic and inspiring conferences

Thanks to her background as a dancer, Aurélie brings a contagious energy to the stage, creating a dynamic of exchange and sharing.

She strives to take discussions beyond theory, explaining subjects in an educational way and making neuroscience concepts accessible to everyone, whatever their level of expertise.

Her approach is pragmatic, simple, and accessible, always imbued with a sense of humor, frankness, and closeness.

Contact Aurélie for a first appointment

Themes to make your employees the athletes of their lives

Because managers should have the keys to human potential as they lead and coach, Aurélie provides the keys to better understanding themselves and the individuals who make up a team in order to achieve collective performance.
Among her favorite subjects:

– From individual performance to collective performance
– Cohesion: understanding yourself better in order to understand better and work with others
– Permanent change
– The power of the collective
– Leadership for women

Your conference on demand

Aurélie aims to help the employees and managers of major French groups deal with the issues they face.

To achieve this, she designs tailor-made conferences to suit her client’s wishes and constraints. The formats can vary from a one-hour conference to more comprehensive presentations.

The most recent conference, “Women in Leadership,” commissioned by the Naval Group, was a great success with all the teams involved.

Aperçu Careformance

Aurélie can work alone or in pairs, depending on your needs and objectives.

Some duos:
– Vincent Clerc
– Astrid Guyart
– Tresor Gauthier Makunda
– Serge Betsen
– Jonathan Lobert

All conferences

 I met Aurélie at a management seminar where she was giving a talk. In particular, she demonstrated that performance and benevolence are perfectly compatible; she also reinforced my belief in the power of applying the values of high-level sports to the corporate world. The person to meet if you want to create or relaunch a personal and professional success dynamic. 

SPEEDY - Chairman

 Many thanks for your energy and the tools you provided yesterday. Your conference boosted our future top managers, and we were very grateful to learn so much from you. Your intervention contributed greatly to making this "kick-off pepiniere?????" day a success!  

NAVAL GROUP - Head of international HR developpement

 I had the great fortune to attend one of Aurélie's conferences for our top executives, and I came away extremely motivated. Her expertise in top-level sport and its transposition to business is original and powerful. I have drawn from it keys that I use on a daily basis. Aurélie's commitment, philanthropy and passion for her work mean I recommend her 100%. It's a fabulous experience, both for groups and on an individual level. 

Stéphanie GIORGI
GROUPE SAVENCIA - Marketing Director

 Aurélie introduced me to FLOW at a conference. Her dynamic and highly interactive presentation made me want to go further into the subject. She knows how to make this subject particularly fascinating, and she uses concrete examples, particularly in the field of motorsports. She gets you on board quickly and is a real enthusiast!  

JC DECAUX - Sales Director